October 2, 2019 Allied Metal Ltd, one of North America’s leading metal fabricators, officially received their ISO 9001:2015 certification on September 23rd, 2019. ISO 9001:2015 is an internationally recognized standard, and the world’s leader in Quality Management Systems (QMS). The standard is published by the International Organization for Standardization.
Allied Metal Ltd’s Vision to Change the Standards of Quality in Metal Fabrication
After Glen Brooks was appointed Managing Partner of Allied Metal Ltd at the start of 2018, the company experienced exponential growth. It was later that year The Allied Team announced their new vision “To be recognized globally as the company that redefined the standards of quality and service in manufacturing,” and their first step towards achieving this goal— becoming an ISO 9001:2015 certified shop.
“We moved towards ISO certification because we strive to be the benchmark for metal fabrication. Saying that your company provides quality metal products is one thing, we wanted to prove it. Our customers deserve this assurance, and our commitment to continuous improvement,” said Glen Brooks, Managing Partner, Allied Metal Ltd.
Becoming an ISO Certified Shop
The ISO 9001:2015 accreditation is one of the most rigorous and recognized standards in the world. The process for certification took Allied over 18 months, and began with the design and implementation of their QMS.
“First off, let me say how extremely proud and grateful I am of the team. The buy-in on this process over the last year and a half was truly inspiring to watch unfold. Implementing ISO 9001:2015 is more than writing the documents and putting the procedures in place, it’s about reforming corporate culture, ideologies, and having a genuine commitment to improvement both individually, and as a whole,” Brooks said.
Desmond Peddle, Operations Manager and Sabrina Bennett, Business Administration Manager at Allied Metal Ltd acquired their Internal Auditor Certificates of Achievement and completed two internal audits for each department in the organization prior to applying for the external audit.
On August 27th, 2019 the external audit with SAI Global, one of the most well-regarded certifying bodies, was completed with zero nonconformances recorded, and Allied Metal Ltd was recommended for certification.
About Allied Metal Ltd
Since 1968 Allied Metal Ltd has delivered the highest quality metal fabricated products to all industries across North America. Allied’s use of specialized project teams to collaborate with their clients allows for precise custom metal fabricated parts and assemblies, no matter how detailed or intricate the specifications are.
Allied’s mission is to provide the innovators of the world the highest potential for success through growth, quality, and adaptability.
To learn more about our company click here.